A bridge in your dream represents your ability to get through a difficult situation, your ability to make a meaningful connection with someone or your ability to connect the dots and make sense of something.

The length of the bridge in the dream will likely reflect how long you anticipate it will take to get through the current transitional situation you are dealing with.

Falling off a bridge, in your car or not, may mean you are not feeling optimistic about a current issue you are trying to push through or get to the other side of. Or that a connection you are trying to make with someone isn’t working out. It doesn’t mean you are going to fail; it is merely a reflection of your lack of optimism.

If you fall off a bridge into water, your subconscious may be warning you that you are getting too emotional about a current situation and your emotional thinking is taking you off course or taking you off your intended goal.

A steep bridge will symbolize something that feels like an uphill battle to you in real life and if your car winds up going backwards because of the steepness, you may want to seriously consider whether a waking life issue or direction you are headed is setting you back too much. Would it be better to reverse your plans?

If the bridge in your dream is in the distance, it may represent a situation you plan on dealing with later: “we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

Less often, the bridge can represent your desire to connect with loved ones that have passed on.