Dogs, due to their nature, often represent loyalty, friendship and companionship so pay close attention to the type of dog, the state of the dog and what the dog is doing in your dream because it will likely reflect a current friendship or relationship in your real life. Even if the dog in your dream is your actual pet, it will more than likely be a symbol for a relationship or friendship in your current life.

Less often, the dog in your dream could symbolize responsibility, as pets are responsibilities. It may also symbolize your need or desire to buckle down and train yourself to behave. Look at the type of dog in your dream.

If the dog is angry or a threat in the dream, ask yourself what relationship in your real life is causing anger or fear right now.

If the dog is injured, sick or dying, ask yourself what relationship or friendship is currently in trouble.

If the dog is friendly, ask yourself what friendship or relationship is particularly enjoyable or beneficial right now?

A puppy would likely represent a new relationship or perhaps even a new sense of loyalty.

If the breed of the dog stands out to you, there is a reason:
German Shepherd: Best known for being a guard dog or police dog. Are you being or do you need to be guarded when it comes to a particular issue? Are you overly protective?

Husky: Best known as a sled dog. Are you carrying a heavy burden? Are you dragging an issue on too long?

Dalmation: Is there a “fire” or urgent situation you need to put out?

chihuahua: A chihuahua is a small nervous dog. Are you feeling nervous about a current relationship or friendship? Is a current relationship or friendship starting to diminish or become a smaller deal to you or the other person?

@laurithedreamexpert HOW TO FIGURE OUT THE ANIMALS IN YOUR DREAMS #Dreaminterpretation #dreaminterpreter #cat #psychology ♬ original sound – Lauri Loewenberg