
Erin Kane, Rotary Club Tampa, FL
We appreciate your time and I know everyone enjoyed the program. We would love to have you back again next year

Margareta Journalist Sweden
This is a life-changing book! Extremely well written, practical, serious, easy to read and with wells of real wisdom. Outstanding!

Becky, Ocala, FL
Your books have had a substantial impact in my life. I just wanted to say that the few dreams I have had that I have interpreted with your books have had substantial impact in my life. I don’t know what I would do without them

Robert Beach, Spokane, WA
I love your books. They are amazing and so helpful

Tammy Smith Montgomery
I am very dedicated to my dream books. I have all of them. I love them! Thank you for coming into my life and helping me understand my dreams and my life better!

S. Ulrich, Wausau, WI
“You’re a GENIUS! Your books are amazing! So amazing, that someone stole my dream dictionary!” – Stacey Ulrich, Wausau,

Beth, Norfolk, VA
I gave the set of your books as a gift last year for Christmas and they were passed around all day long. It was quite a hit! So this year I am buying 4 more sets!

Julie Cameron, Denver, CO
Talking with you on the phone was incredibly helpful for me. I am still amazed by what our dreams are trying to tell us, if we would only listen to them!  My goal is to set aside a small amount of money each month for the special purpose of having more consults with you in the future!

Kristen Dodson, Boise, ID
I LOVE the format you lay out in Cracking The Dream Code Lauri, even a newbie to dream analysis could be very successful at deciphering their dreams!

Barbara Crook, journalist
A must-have for anyone seriously looking to understand the messages their unconscious is sending and how best to use that information